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Version History

Original Released: Sep 2, 2015


New update. What's new:

Ver 2.3.1
Fixed: ingredient scoring stuck on level 15 UI close button adjusted for 18:9 resolution


Ver 2.3
Added: expandable targets. You can customize and combine targets for any level


Ver 2.2.5
Fixed: first importing sometimes has an issue with Unity IAP 


Ver 2.2.4
Changed: Package bomb sound effect

Fixed: rewarded ads

Fixed: Unity 2019 support

Fixed: define symbols 


Ver 2.2.3
Added package for Unity 2018.3.x to avoid updating issues.
Fixed: Facebook cross-platform sharing updated
Added: amount per day, hour, minute to limit rewarded ads showing


Ver 2.2.2
Added: automatically detect a portrait aspect
Fixed: android key set to default to prevent building error
Fixed: completing level
Fixed: rewarded ads admob and Unity conflict
Added: Again method to the AnimationManager.cs to restart level
Fixed: background index out of range if more than 100 levels


Ver 2.2.1
Added: privacy policy (GDPR). To the main scene.


Ver 2.2
Added: rewarded video ads
Fixed: iPhone x (main and game scenes)


Ver 2.1.6
Fixed: total scores cloud sync after offline session
Fixed: admob updated
Fixed: friend avatars resolution set to 128x128

Changed: Create Gamesparks game added to game editor

Fixed: score position Gems and boosts enabled by default

Fixed: Unity 2018 support


Ver 2.1.5

Fixed: Update target in menu for next level

Added: iOS rate link Fixed: to early moving items caused hang

Fixed: Gamesparks new api supporting, config.json

Added: supporting of iphone X/ galaxy s8


Ver 2.1.4

Added: supporting galaxy s8 resolution

Fixed: leadboard offset

Fixed: Facebook with Unity 2017

Fixed: Gamesparks 5.5.6 (game.scene)

Changed: Facebook sharing (added path into editor) 


Ver 2.1.3

Fixed: Facebook auto authorisation after second enter Autodelete doublicated libraries Supporting Unity 2017


Ver 2.1.2

Fixed: currency saving

Fixed: hiding gems if in-apps not enabled

Fixed: stars and label reset after change level

Fixed: some leadboard bugs

Fixed: Name 'GooglePlayServices' does not exist unity


Ver.2.1.1 Fixed: Chartboost enabling



Fixed: Networking library error A

dded: Next levels dialog without entering map 


Ver 2.01

Fixed: map borders changing

Fixed: facebook 7.9 settings error



Added: Leadboard on level between friends

Added: Facebook player and friends icons on map

Added: Facebook logout button

Added: Clear player prefs button in editor->settings Fixed: some bugs


Ver.1.6.2 Fixed: showing ads Fixed: facebook


Ver.1.6.1 (08-12-2016)

1. Fixed: Facebook sharing app name

2. Fixed: Some ads worked regardless frequency value

3. Fixed: ingredients and stripped item can't be switched without matching

4. Fixed: Ice block behaviours

5. Fixed: ingredient falling check win or lose

6. Fixed: Thriving block covers only simple items

7. Improved plugins integration. Just import plugin. No need to enable or disable it.

8. Effect for lollipop booster was improved


Ver.1.6 (2016.06.04)

1. Fixed: sometimes items stuck in one square

2. Fixed: purchased boost items not disappear after no match

3. Added: visual tutorial

4. Changed ads frequency, now it is frequency of calling particular ad. In example you need to lose 4 times to get an ad.

5. Fixed: bugs with searching combines.

6. Fixed minor bugs


Ver.1.5 (01.04.2016)

1. Fixed: Sync sound of stars in winning menu

2. Added: control of ads frequency


Ver.1.4.1 (2016.03.07)

1. Fixed: power items can stuck in ice block

2. Fixed: Adding new level

3. Fixed: showing rate popup restored

4. Fixed: in-apps error fixed

5. Fixed: auto login to facebook if sharing pressed


Ver.1.4 (2016.03.01)

1. Fixed: Map timer reset after quit.

2. Fixed: depending of the editor from absolute path

3. Fixed: Unity ads works with old and new accounts

4. Deleted: Plugins folder. Every plugin installs by request from editor.

5. Added: Ads controller. Show ads where you want by selecting game event.

6. Renamed: Reward class to RewardIcon

7. Replaced: Unity In-apps instead Open IAB. Unity In-apps integrated.

8. Added: Help buttons and Help section in editor

9. Updated documentation

10. Added: auto opening game scene and help editor window from starting project

11. Added: smooth moving map

To update: I advice you to create new project. But if you want to update your current version do next: Delete next folders inside Assets and inside Assets/JellyGarden: Plugins, Chartboost, FacebookSDK, GoogleMobileAds, Standard Assets You can import just next folders: Scripts, SmartLevelsMap. During importing to old version Unity can crash but never mind about it just restart Unity.


Ver.1.3.1 (2016.02.03)

1. Fixed: Camera not follow player sometimes.

2. Fixed: Unity ads button not appear sometimes.

3. Minimum requirements up to Unity 5.3, android sdk 23 api version.


Ver.1.3 (2016.01.14)

1. Updated: Facebook SDK ver. 7.3

2. Updated: ChartBoost SDK ver. 6.0.2

3. Fixed: Editor saving issue in Unity 5.3

4. Fixed: Unity ads rewarded video showing To update: please delete Facebook and Plugins/Android/Facebook folders.



1. Added option starting count of gems "Start gems"

2. Added option "Losing a life every game" or just only after level fail

3. Not crashes if you don't have Unity ads gameID

4. Fixed bug with negative moves in collecting levels.



1. Back button - improved;

2. Sound issue on map;

3. Level complete bonus items depends from the rest moves amount;

4. Support Unity3D 5.2.

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